Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Toys for Old Boys

As I have mentioned before, problems with the world economy in general and the United States' economy in particular are making it hard to make good on new and innovative ideas.

dash.One particular product on its way out is the Dash Express. Dash has decided to become a software solution provider, and no longer sell the Express. I'm sorry, Dash. I truly hope you get to stick around to lend your influence to anyone who might need it.

TN_Logo.gifJust in the nick of time (or so it would seem), Telenav is offering their own Connected Personal Navigation Device, called the Shotgun. Again, this device is capable of some pretty interesting stuff. My favorite feature is "Gas by Price," which is something I've been looking for in a PND. Again, I am afraid for anyone attempting to bring a device like this to market, but at least it has some "good financial support" in Nokia. We'll see how that works out.


  1. I call shotgun!! hahaha... Okay, you knew that someone had to say it.

  2. While it is addressable over somebody's cell network, I don't think you can quite call it. HA!!
