In my early road warrior days (mid 90s), a cross country road trip began with a Trip-Tik from AAA, which was then divided by gas-tank limited lengths of highway. I tried to estimate my own endurance to gauge how early I could start the day, when I would need a break, when I should call it quits for the night, and how any of these might coincide with the previously laid out gas stops. I had an electronic interstate directory, to help me find my preferred gas stops, restaurants, and rest areas (hopefully scenic). On the road, I had a stereo that was almost a navigation aid unto itself. With only the name of the state you were in, it could locate the nearest city by scanning the FM band and comparing it to the internal database of radio stations. This also kept me listening to only the radio formats I wanted to without having to wonder if I could find a non-country station. A 12-CD changer kept me going in between metropolitan areas. My ears for "traffic problems" consisted of a RADAR detector, CB radio, and a special radio scanner, all deployed about the vehicle interior in a way to minimize their intrusion and maximize usability.
While my old electronics counter-intelligence and entertainment suite has been largely disassembled, my enthusiasm has not diminished. As computers are produced in smaller sizes, and more capabilities are built into car accessories and various peripherals, the magic-factor will increase by leaps and bounds. The amount of information now available to divers can be both astonishingly useful, and horrendously distracting. The trick is to make sure these devices stay easy to use enough that the road is always at the center of the driver's attention and never needs to be diverted.
Would you like to know a secret? We're almost there.
Imagine the Orwellian implications!!! Okay, now imagine how much more enjoyable a trip across the country could be. No longer burdened with guessing how much you'll have to pay for gas (you'll already know), where the next "safe" bathroom stop is (you'll already know), where the next scenic viewpoint is (guess!), what your kids are really up to in the back seat, what the tire pressure is at each corner of the car, and what your estimated range is (based on your current fuel-load, fuel usage, upcoming elevation changes, historical speeds, current traffic conditions, weather visibility, and ummm... time to get through the new inter-county security checkpoints). Despite my cynicism, I am actually very excited to see what the future has in store for us. I just can wait!!
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